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Igor Gajic

Član broj: 93194
Poruke: 747

+987 Profil

icon Re: Fascinantni arheoloski nalazi11.02.2012. u 18:07 - pre 149 meseci

Svestenicima nije bio cilj da ocuvaju staru kulturu vec da izbrisu i najmanje secanje na nju. Bilo sta od stare tradicije bi se smatralo paganizmom, tj. pretnja hriscanstvu i kao takvo moralo se zatrti u korenu. Nesto slicno je uradio Diego de Landa sa Majanskom kulturom. Malo dalje u istoriju Aleksandrijska biblioteka je spaljena kao uporiste paganizma.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: Fascinantni arheoloski nalazi11.02.2012. u 18:23 - pre 149 meseci
Jedna od stvari za koju mi je jako krivo što se desila u prošlosti jeste uništavanje Aleksandrijske biblioteke. Uvek kad pomislim na to razmišljam koliko toga smo potencijalno mogli da znamo više o istoriji da je ta biblioteka ostala očuvana.
Odgovor na temu

hogar strašni

Član broj: 295177
Poruke: 95

+498 Profil

icon Re: Fascinantni arheoloski nalazi11.02.2012. u 18:35 - pre 149 meseci
Na žalost, niko toliko zla nije naneo čovečanstvu kao katolička crkva. U ime vere dozvolili su sebi najveće zločine u istoriji ljudskog roda. Počinili su mnoge fizičke genocide a tako i kulturne i istorijske.
Mislim da Vatikan krije mnoge tajne i dan danas.
Odgovor na temu

hogar strašni

Član broj: 295177
Poruke: 95

+498 Profil

icon Re: Fascinantni arheoloski nalazi11.02.2012. u 18:42 - pre 149 meseci
Uništavanje Aleksandrijske biblioteke

Sudbina biblioteke je tragična. Ona je uništavana više puta sa više raznih strana.

Cezarovo uništavanje 48. godine

Smatra se da je Cezarova vojska 47. godine pre nove ere uništila glavni deo, onaj u Muzeju.

Hrišćansko uništavanje 391. godine

Ubrzo nakon što je 387. godine hrišćanstvo postalo državna religija Rimskog carstva, car Teodosije I 391. godine naređuje unuštavanje svih paganskih hramova. Tada hrišćani, na čelu sa aleksandrijskim patrijarhom Teofilom, spaljuju Aleksandrijsku biblioteku.[2]

Muslimansko uništavanje 642. godine

Kada je muslimanska armija osvojila Aleksandriju 642. godine nakon što je porazila vizantijsku vojsku u bici kod Heliopolisa, komandant je upitao kalifa Umara šta da rade sa bibliotekom, odnosno sa knjigama. On je dao čuveni odgovor: "One ili su u suprotnosti sa Kuranom, što znači da su jeres, ili se slažu sa njim, što znači da su suvišne."

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 300014
Poruke: 1

+60 Profil

icon Re: Fascinantni arheoloski nalazi01.05.2012. u 11:08 - pre 147 meseci

Secrets In Plain Sight is an awe inspiring exploration of great art, architecture, and urban design which skillfully unveils an unlikely intersection of geometry, politics, numerical philosophy, religious mysticism, new physics, music, astronomy, and world history.

Exploring key monuments and their positions in Egypt, Stonehenge, Jerusalem, Rome, Paris, London, Edinburgh, Washington DC, New York, and San Francisco brings to light a secret obsession shared by pharaohs, philosophers and kings; templars and freemasons; great artists and architects; popes and presidents, spanning the whole of recorded history up to the present time.

As the series of videos reveals how profound ancient knowledge inherited from Egypt has been encoded in units of measurement, in famous works of art, in the design of major buildings, in the layout of city streets and public spaces, and in the precise placement of obelisks and other important monuments upon the Earth, the viewer is led to perceive an elegant harmonic system linking the human body with the architectural, urban, planetary, solar, and galactic scales.

Za svaku preporuku!
Silence of the heart, practiced with wisdom,
will see a lofty depth;
And the ear of the silent mind will hear untold wonders.

-- Hesychius of Jerusalem
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 300014
Poruke: 1

+60 Profil

icon Re: Fascinantni arheoloski nalazi17.07.2012. u 17:33 - pre 144 meseci

A Bone Here, a Bead There: On the Trail of Human Origins

Who are we, and where did we come from? Scientists studying the origin of modern humans, Homo sapiens, keep reaching deeper in time to answer those questions — toward the last common ancestor of great apes and humans, then forward to the emergence of people more and more like us in body and behavior.

Their research is advancing on three fronts. Fossils of skulls and bones expose anatomical changes. Genetics reveals the timing and place of the Eve of modern humans.

And archaeology turns up ancient artifacts reflecting abstract and creative thought, and a growing self-awareness. Just last month, researchers made the startling announcement that Stone Age paintings in Spanish caves were much older than previously thought, from a time when Neanderthals were still alive.

To help make sense of this cascade of new information, a leading authority on modern human evolution — the British paleoanthropologist Chris Stringer — recently sat for an interview in New York that ranged across many recent developments: the evidence of interbreeding between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens; the puzzling extinct species of little people nicknamed the hobbits; and the implications of a girl’s 40,000-year-old pinkie finger found in a Siberian cave.

Dr. Stringer, an animated man of 64, is an anthropologist at the Natural History Museum in London and a fellow of the Royal Society. But he belies the image of a don: He showed up for our interview wearing a T-shirt and jeans, looking as if he had just come in from the field.

A condensed and edited version of our conversation follows. In it and in a new book, he describes a new wrinkle to the hypothesis of a recent African origin of modern Homo sapiens. His ideas may light up more debate in a contentious science.

First of all, would you explain the title of your new book?

Yes, the title is “Lone Survivors: How We Came to Be the Only Humans on Earth.” And this comes from the fact that if we went back 100,000 years, which is very recent, geologically speaking, there might have been as many as six different kinds of humans on the earth. All those other kinds have disappeared, and left us as the sole survivors.

You wrote that in 1970, when you started doing research in this field, the origin of modern humans was hardly recognized as a topic worthy of study in science. What has changed since then?

It’s been a fantastic time to be involved in the field, and even when I was writing this book in the last two years, I had to regularly go back and rewrite things I thought I’d finished with, because new developments were coming up all the time. In 1970, for some people, there was no single origin of modern humans: We evolved globally, all over the world. There was a view that in the different regions an earlier species, Homo erectus, evolved relatively seamlessly to modern humans. This idea was known as multiregionalism.

The argument went that we remained one species throughout that evolutionary process, because there was interbreeding among the different populations. It meant that the Neanderthals in Europe, for example, would be the ancestors of modern Europeans; Homo erectus in China would be the ancestor of modern Asians. And Java Man would be a distant ancestor of modern Australian aboriginal populations.

What we have seen since then is a growth in the fossil record, in our ability to date that record and to CT-scan fossils and get minute details out of them. DNA studies have had a huge impact on our field. We now have the genomes of Neanderthals and of these strange people in Siberia called the Denisovans.

Speaking of DNA, what about the African Eve? This established an approximate date for the genetic origin of modern humans, in Africa. As a leading advocate of the recent African origin, in contrast to the multiregional model, did you believe this settled the debate?

To be honest, it’s not been totally resolved, but the Mitochondrial Eve publication of 1987 was a key moment. Up to then, a few of us were arguing for a recent African origin from the fossil and archaeological evidence. But the evidence was pretty skimpy, and the majority opinion was against our view.

When this new genetic technique appeared, it seemed to give clarity to the picture. Here was an independent bit of data, from our mitochondrial DNA, inherited through females, suggesting we originated, all of us, all over the world, from a single ancestral population that lived in Africa maybe 200,000 years ago.

I came to this conclusion gradually, starting with the Neanderthals. They were the best-known ancient humans, and there was a view that they were our ancestors. I tested that model in my Ph.D. research, and I concluded the Neanderthals did not make good ancestors of modern humans, even in Europe, where we had the best data. So gradually my search moved from one region to another, to see where the evidence best fitted the idea of our origins.

It turned out that Africa was the place that had the oldest fossils of modern humans. Africa, for me, was the only place that showed a transition from archaic to modern humans.

Nastavak u datom linku...
Silence of the heart, practiced with wisdom,
will see a lofty depth;
And the ear of the silent mind will hear untold wonders.

-- Hesychius of Jerusalem
Odgovor na temu

Zoran Scekic
Recording Engineer, Producer
Studio Neverne Bebe

Član broj: 94496
Poruke: 2257


+4501 Profil

icon Re: Fascinantni arheoloski nalazi17.07.2012. u 20:19 - pre 144 meseci
Dobro, i?! Opet samo linkovanje i bez komentara? Kakvo uzaludno "trosenje papira"!

"Grand Magus and Supreme Wizard of professional
audio applications in the known universe and beyond"
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:) "Nije ti palo na pamet da nekom inteligentnijem postu daš lajk?" (By Nebojsa)

Pravi biser: „Sada sumnjam da bih ucestvovao u poboljsavanju Nebojsinog foruma.”
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 300014
Poruke: 1

+60 Profil

icon Re: Fascinantni arheoloski nalazi17.07.2012. u 22:19 - pre 144 meseci
Evo komentar: Veoma kvalitetan članak na temu razvoja tj. postanka moderne ljudske civilizacije a o kojoj se veoma malo inače razgovara. Najnovija istraćivanja izgleda govore u prilog teoriji da je postojalo više vrsta ljudi koji su živeli paralelno. Od kojih smo mi, homo sapiens, jedini koji su preživeli do danas. Ja sam pročitao ceo članak i bio mi je veoma interesantan pa reko' da podelim sa svima.
Silence of the heart, practiced with wisdom,
will see a lofty depth;
And the ear of the silent mind will hear untold wonders.

-- Hesychius of Jerusalem
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 300014
Poruke: 1

+60 Profil

icon Re: Fascinantni arheoloski nalazi04.12.2012. u 16:52 - pre 139 meseci
Engraved Stone Dating Back 30,000 Years Found in China

Chinese archaeologists have discovered a stunning 30,000-year-old engraved stone artifact in a collection of stone tools unearthed at the Paleolithic site of Shuidonggou in 1980.
Silence of the heart, practiced with wisdom,
will see a lofty depth;
And the ear of the silent mind will hear untold wonders.

-- Hesychius of Jerusalem
Odgovor na temu

Zoran Scekic
Recording Engineer, Producer
Studio Neverne Bebe

Član broj: 94496
Poruke: 2257


+4501 Profil

icon Re: Fascinantni arheoloski nalazi04.12.2012. u 22:34 - pre 139 meseci

"Grand Magus and Supreme Wizard of professional
audio applications in the known universe and beyond"
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:) "Nije ti palo na pamet da nekom inteligentnijem postu daš lajk?" (By Nebojsa)

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