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"Vista is the most un-user friendly operating system"

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Vladanko Vladanovic

Član broj: 323
Poruke: 1011

ICQ: 6072593

+49 Profil

icon "Vista is the most un-user friendly operating system"19.10.2007. u 20:39 - pre 202 meseci
aaa,pocelo je pocelo....

UPDATE #2: Vista is the most un-user friendly operating system PDF Print E-mail
By Rick C. Hodgin
Thursday, October 18, 2007 08:20
Recommend article:

Opinion - I'll make this short and sweet because I know this subject has flame war earmarks. Recently, I bought a Vista powered notebook. Leaving aside the fact that I have to constantly click through "Vista needs your permission to continue" prompts whenever I try to do most anything, even when I go to look at the properties of my own network connections (not change them), there are significant design flaws with Vista, at least from a user's point of view.


The Beginning

The first significant design flaw is how verbose it is. Every prompt comes with an explanation that's at least a full sentence long. Whatever happened to the simplicity of prompts? Something with a "help" button or link which would then take you off to the world of the verbose? Or what about the ability to wield network connections as easily as we could in XP?

With Vista, in order to connect to a wireless network I have to click on a link from a mini popup window. That popup link is a very short line of several words embedded between other links above and below. It requires a precise mouse movement and click to get it just right. I consider myself to be a good mouse user, but there's no reason for such complex maneuvering when engaging in a routine operation.

From there, I'm taken to another window which appears in the middle of the screen. After moving there from the corner of the screen, I have to click on the network connection I want. And, as anyone with more than two network connections knows, in order to reach that third one you have to scroll the entire listbox down because each entry is about 1" high, and there is a dividing bar between wired and wireless connections. After selecting the network connection I want, I have to then move down and click the connect button which is in the lower-right of the window. It connects, sometimes taking up to five seconds, which means I'm waiting for a variable amount of time so I can complete the transaction which comes after. Never mind the fact that those few seconds could be used actually opening the next app I might want to use once the most-likely-to-connect wireless connection inevitably connects. Perhaps I could only get a follow-up promp if it failed?

So, after waiting for an indeterminate amount of time (at least several seconds), after it's connected I actually have to click the "Close" button! All told it's about 20" of mouse movement, a right-click and four left-clicks just to connect to a wireless network. And, there's a period of time in the middle which is a variable based on network traffic, router availability, etc. Why?

System Hanging
But that's not why I'm writing this article. It's something far more restrictive. After several weeks of use I've discovered a new system hangup at boot time which is the real cause for this article. My computer literally freezes for two solid minutes during startup. The desktop appears, the start bar, and then if I try to launch most any program, it hangs. I can't open anything which uses the network, or even checks to see if the network is available, until that two solid minutes goes by. Any stand-alone apps which do not use the network run just fine. I've tested that personally by some software I've written. It runs. But anything that touches the network in any way, hangs completely until the two minutes passes. This includes email, Internet Explorer, other web browsers, Windows Media Player, other media players, and of course any network change or view settings. The system is completely unusable during that time, and it happens every time I turn on my computer.

Microsoft might not know this, but when people turn on their computers it's not so they can have them on. It's so they can use them. And such an extreme design flaw in the Vista model, one which also affected my desktop system several months back (and it did not even have wireless connectivity), is enough to take a usable device and turn it into a brick. Why would I want to use something which is so verbose, requires my permission to do everything, halts all other programs until it's ready to proceed, and sometimes takes up to two minutes to shut down?

I know there is some device driver timing out, possibly several times, possibly multiple drivers. But I can't find it. And it's still ridiculous! Why should any network connection attempt have to wait so long before timing out? And why should it have to takeover all system features, thereby stopping most everything from launching until it's ready? Any why isn't it easy to find out what's causing the problem? I've disabled every add-on service. The only ones currently active are the ones recommended online. Nothing changed. It's not anything I've installed since then, but I still can't figure it out. It's a Vista mystery.

What were they thinking?
What was Microsoft thinking when they released Vista? It's awful. Sure, it is by far the prettiest GUI they've ever released, but it's completely unusable, especially when compared to Windows XP. The long prompts, the constant pass-through permission screens, the incessant warning about everything. "Yes, Vista, I don't have an anti-virus program installed. Do you really need to warn me every single day about that fact?"

I can say truthfully that I don't care that much for the fancy GUI. In fact, when I had to run Vista a while back on my desktop machine, I turned the Aeroglass stuff off, and went back to the traditional XP-looking system, mostly because of the huge amount of system resources Aeroglass consumed. Still, I was constantly reminded that I was running Vista because of the incessant stream of "Vista needs your permission to continue" prompts appearing before my eyes whenever I'd try to do most anything I typically do in a day on my computer.

"Vista needs permission o run the program you were just asked whether or not you wanted to Open or Save after manually clicking on the website's download link. Please waste some more of your time while passing through this prompt. And don't worry, if any essential drivers are installed, especially those Vista doesn't have catalogued in the 'official Vistal Driver Database', then you'll know soon enough about those as well. Thank you for wasting dozens of seconds of your time passing through these prompts. We hope your attitude hasn't been affected by the waiting. And if it has... what are you really going to do about it? Switch to Linux? HA!"

Well, today is the day I am switching to Ubuntu on everything I own. For those applications I *HAVE* to run Windows on I will be using one of my old Windows 98, Windows 2000 or Windows XP discs. I am leaving Redmond, WA for any Vista efforts or future ones. And as soon as I can find replacement software for the rest of my Windows-only programs (specifically Microsoft Visual Studio), I'm gone. Never looking back. Never to return.

Vista, you've made a believer out of me ... at least regarding the value of open source efforts.

UPDATE: In response to several commenters, I must report that I was unaware that you could change the notification messages. I knew there were custom applications you could setup which would run without prompting, but I remain unaware of any way to remove the continuous popups which arise whenever a system action is taking place. In addition, I don't think it is inherently intuitive at all in the way Vista operates. Migration from Windows 95 to Windows 98 was intuitive. The mild change in thinking between Windows 95/98 and Windows 2000, with its significant NT style, was more pronounced, probably the most outside of Vista. And I believe the migration from Windows 98/2000 to Windows XP was much more intuitive than anything else to date. Vista changed the baseline eXPerience that we all enjoyed in Windows XP. It removed common properties by default, opting instead to place new, unfamiliar territories before the Windows user. In fact, it's arguable that this significant change, while not as wide in scope, is similar to that of moving to an entirely new OS. And I believe very strongly this is the main reason why Vista has not been overwhelmingly received. It's also the Microsoft backpeddled slightly from its previous position, and is now allowing previous-Vista-only machines to now have XP installed after the fact.

UPDATE: It often takes me by surprise how much people assume about the other person's knowledge base. That doesn't just go for responses to this article, but also responses to responders. There is no way that over a cold, static medium like this printed text in the comments that any one of us can divine a full and correct viewpoint of the other person's background. For example, how many people know that I spent the last half of the 1990s and early 2000s designing a 32-bit operating system? I spent weeks researching user inteface models, how much distance the mouse should travel for user interaction, context relative positioning, coloring, GUI, text-based solutions, basically the human component. I have lots of data and, more importantly, thought on this subject. It is not whimsical or fanciful. There are real issues with Vista.

Just now for example, in preparation for listening in to a conference call, I launched Internet Explorer, went to the company's website and clicked on the link. Internet Explorer blocked the ActiveX control and I had to click the yellowish bar which appears. That's fine and dandy, I expect that. And then, Vista popped up a message indicating that I again needed to click continue to actually run the ActiveX app. It's stuff like that which is ridiculous. It's uncalled for, it might help one person out of 10,000 once out of 10,000 times. But for the rest of us, it is an annoyance which takes a couple seconds to pass through. Multiple that 2 seconds by the number of users who have to do it, and it quickly adds up to 100s and 1000s of hours. It's unnecessary and undesirable. At least from my humble point of view. And Microsoft should be aware of that fact because I know of no other OS which makes you jump through so many hoops, unless you have specifically gone out of your way to install extra software to ensure something like an unwanted program doesn't run.

Hmmm , na VIP-u 3G preko iphone-a 2,6 Mbps DL i 1,4 UP ...
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Član broj: 4716
Poruke: 5096

+51 Profil

icon Re: "Vista is the most un-user friendly operating system"19.10.2007. u 21:37 - pre 202 meseci
Another day, another sucker..


"Yes, Vista, I don't have an anti-virus program installed. Do you really need to warn me every single day about that fact?"

Pa u čemu je problem?

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Ivan Dimkovic

Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16696

+7181 Profil

icon Re: "Vista is the most un-user friendly operating system"19.10.2007. u 22:00 - pre 202 meseci
Haha kako su uzaludni ovi pingvini, ovakve iste proseracine smo morali da slusamo i kad je izasao XP - pa onda kada je izasao XP SP2 isto mentalna tortura sa "advocacy-jem" - ali ajd da ima neku svrhu, nego... :)

Nego, cujem na Linux forumu ljudi imaju blank-screen sa novim Ubuntuom 7.10 :-) Bas im ne ide ta grafika izgleda - ali nema veze, vazno je da je Vista naj ne-user-friendly OS, ali u panjevima :)
DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
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Član broj: 4716
Poruke: 5096

+51 Profil

icon Re: "Vista is the most un-user friendly operating system"19.10.2007. u 22:31 - pre 202 meseci
A najbolje je kad još napišu nešto tipa: "Vista ne valja, prelazim na Linux." :)) Ništa XP ili Win 2003.. nego Linux. Pa to odmah znaš da čovek kompjuter koristi za ništa, čim može OS da promeni tek tako..
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Stefan Markic

Član broj: 82674
Poruke: 759

+73 Profil

icon Re: "Vista is the most un-user friendly operating system"19.10.2007. u 23:54 - pre 202 meseci
xtraya: aaa,pocelo je pocelo....

Sta li je to pocelo, da mi je znati... :-)

Koliko vidim, neki lik je okacio svoj clanak na Slashdot i Digg, i sad kao "pocelo je pocelo...". :-) I ja, jos jedan obican smrtnik, bas kao i ovaj Rick C. Hodgin (nikad cuo za njega :) ) mogu da napisem tri strane o tome kako mi pola stvari na Linuxu ne radi ili ne radi kao na Windowsu, i da okacim na Digg. I sta onda? "Gotovo je, gotovo..."? :-) Meni oba rade dobro, i iako volim Linux, on za mene nije bolji klijentski OS od Windowsa. Svi pricaju kako Linux ima manje bagova, kako je stabilniji, bla bla... OK, moze da bude stabilniji, i da ima manje bagova... Ali to ga i dalje ne cini boljim od Windowsa. Mnogi to ne mogu ili ne zele da shvate, 'bem li ga.


xtraya, brate, stvarno si bruka za nas tabor. Rusis nam ovo malo rejtinga sa 1.x% market share-a sto imamo. :-)

[Ovu poruku je menjao BrokeBody dana 20.10.2007. u 20:44 GMT+1]
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Jezdimir Lončar
Aka Blazeme
PHP/jQuery Dev, BildStudio
Crna Gora / Pljevlja

Član broj: 74833
Poruke: 674


+4 Profil

icon Re: "Vista is the most un-user friendly operating system"20.10.2007. u 01:30 - pre 202 meseci
Vista i un-user friendly u istoj recenici?
Ma dajte!
Evo vistu koristim mjesecima a taj dialog mi se pojavljuje samo sa operacijama sa fajlovima na C: .
Btw, poz kolegama iz win tabora.
I da mi je znati imaju li "pingvini" za sta drugo da se kace osim za ovo i bsod koji, usput, nisam do sad vidio?
“I never think of the future - it comes soon enough.” - Albert Anštajn (Albert Einstein)
Odgovor na temu

Vladanko Vladanovic

Član broj: 323
Poruke: 1011

ICQ: 6072593

+49 Profil

icon Re: "Vista is the most un-user friendly operating system"20.10.2007. u 02:21 - pre 202 meseci
xtraya, brate, stvarno si bruka za nas tabor. Rusis nam ovo malo rejtinga sa 1.x% market share-a. :-)

blah, prof.dr. degejs lekcija br 1.

- brukaj protivnika makar pricajuci gluposti o njemu

blah, prof.dr. degejs lekcija br 2.

- prichaj lepe priche o sebi a pod obavezno usput nipodastavaj protivnika (by default)

chasovi ce se nastaviti na es forumu svakodnevno...

[Ovu poruku je menjao xtraya dana 20.10.2007. u 03:46 GMT+1]
Hmmm , na VIP-u 3G preko iphone-a 2,6 Mbps DL i 1,4 UP ...
Odgovor na temu

Stefan Markic

Član broj: 82674
Poruke: 759

+73 Profil

icon Re: "Vista is the most un-user friendly operating system"20.10.2007. u 02:45 - pre 202 meseci
xtraya: blah, prof.dr. dimkovic. lekcija br 1.

- brukaj protivnika makar pricajuci gluposti o njemu

blah, prof.dr. dimkovic. lekcija br 2.

- prichaj lepe priche o sebi, pod obavezno nipodastavaj protivnika (by default)

Auu... Ti ga bas mrzis, hm? :-) Pa jel' te on spomenuo? :-))) I da, bruka si - Od redosleda reci u tvojim recenicama (brrrrr...) pa sve do farbanja Windowsa (a i ljudi :) ) uglavnom bez ikakvih ili sa nekim smesnim argumentima. Da te podsetim, jos uvek dugujes Winovcima screenshot onog BSOD-a. ;-)
Odgovor na temu

Vladanko Vladanovic

Član broj: 323
Poruke: 1011

ICQ: 6072593

+49 Profil

icon Re: "Vista is the most un-user friendly operating system"20.10.2007. u 02:59 - pre 202 meseci
hmm, bice da si promasio slike, pastovao sam ih odavno u nekoj od proslih tema...
mrzi me sad da trazim, ako hoces poslacu ti na mail (posalji mi u pp)

sto se redosleda tice, paaa, neke stvari se mozda i namerno rade... opet kazem... mozda... ponekad,verujem,ni ne shvatis neko podsprdanje ili karikiranje.
doduse ako cemo po pravopisu, ceo forum greshi, pa? nikom nista naravno...
Hmmm , na VIP-u 3G preko iphone-a 2,6 Mbps DL i 1,4 UP ...
Odgovor na temu

Vladanko Vladanovic

Član broj: 323
Poruke: 1011

ICQ: 6072593

+49 Profil

icon Re: "Vista is the most un-user friendly operating system"20.10.2007. u 03:16 - pre 202 meseci

evo evo, jedva nadjoh u ove sitne sate...

elem, ovo je iz teme o virusima na visti, licno sam slikao telefonom
Hmmm , na VIP-u 3G preko iphone-a 2,6 Mbps DL i 1,4 UP ...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 32
Poruke: 7781

+6455 Profil

icon Re: "Vista is the most un-user friendly operating system"20.10.2007. u 08:39 - pre 202 meseci
Trajo jel ovo neka pošalica na tvoj račun il si stvarno ozbiljan?!?
Odgovor na temu

Vladanko Vladanovic

Član broj: 323
Poruke: 1011

ICQ: 6072593

+49 Profil

icon Re: "Vista is the most un-user friendly operating system"20.10.2007. u 15:01 - pre 202 meseci
da da,"ozbiljan".
kao win ekipa
Hmmm , na VIP-u 3G preko iphone-a 2,6 Mbps DL i 1,4 UP ...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 128509
Poruke: 28


icon Re: "Vista is the most un-user friendly operating system"20.10.2007. u 15:21 - pre 202 meseci
mssync20.sys je malware, detaljniji opis je na linku >

Odakle to na tvom kompu ? Uletelo i samo se instaliralo bez tvog znanja, iskoristivši neki od propusta u Visti ?

ILI... ??? :]

The trojan is delivered in the following filename.
Windows Vista All Versions Activation 21.11.06.exe (839,830 bytes) (detected as PWS-LDPinch.dr!4f8fa1f since DAT 4913)
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Srđan Stević

Član broj: 2773
Poruke: 741

ICQ: 244467577

+2 Profil

icon Re: "Vista is the most un-user friendly operating system"20.10.2007. u 20:12 - pre 202 meseci
Biće da naš tralja u tajnosti probava Vistu?

A može biti i da mu se svidela, pa odlučio da joj "produži rok trajanja"...

This time next year we will be millionaires
- Dell Boy -
Odgovor na temu

Stefan Markic

Član broj: 82674
Poruke: 759

+73 Profil

icon Re: "Vista is the most un-user friendly operating system"20.10.2007. u 20:30 - pre 202 meseci
Palma: Biće da naš tralja u tajnosti probava Vistu? :D

A može biti i da mu se svidela, pa odlučio da joj "produži rok trajanja"... ;)

Bice da u tajnosti probava Linux :-), jer ja nikad nisam video neki njegov post iz Linuxa.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4716
Poruke: 5096

+51 Profil

icon Re: "Vista is the most un-user friendly operating system"20.10.2007. u 20:50 - pre 202 meseci
Al' ga je aktivirao, svaka mu čast :D
Commercial-Free !!!
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Nikola Pavličević
darkstar T.L., Dark Revolution;
administrator, NIK d.o.o.

Član broj: 66335
Poruke: 24

ICQ: 3035234


icon Re: "Vista is the most un-user friendly operating system"20.10.2007. u 22:05 - pre 202 meseci
ahahaha, "un-user friendly". prijateljski nastrojen prema ne-korisnicima? svidja mi se, odlican opis za windows os. LOL :)
The only two principles you need in life:
-You can change the world, it is just a
set of rules in your mind
-Simplicity is divine
Odgovor na temu

Vladanko Vladanovic

Član broj: 323
Poruke: 1011

ICQ: 6072593

+49 Profil

icon Re: "Vista is the most un-user friendly operating system"20.10.2007. u 22:52 - pre 202 meseci
Odakle to na tvom kompu ? Uletelo i samo se instaliralo bez tvog znanja, iskoristivši neki od propusta u Visti ?

hehe, ... vec smo razglabali o tome. xxx,xxy,xxz i ostale *gejs-non*gejs sajtove nisam posecivao, niti bilo sta sto ima veze sa warez-om...

moguce je da je nesto kroz OExpress uletelo od silnog spam-a i pored spam/av zastite na mail serveru.

nema nikakve veze sa aktivacijom. ne bi to ni provalio (rootkit-ing) da nije uletelo 2-3 BSOD-a

Bice da u tajnosti probava Linux :-), jer ja nikad nisam video neki njegov post iz Linuxa.

hihi, nisi, steta nisam uspeo da zbunim es header handler pa da mu podmetnem Degejs-Dimkovic Linux kao header

ovo je sad pisano u xp, aj bas da vidim koji ce OS da pokaze ES

[Ovu poruku je menjao xtraya dana 21.10.2007. u 03:21 GMT+1]
Hmmm , na VIP-u 3G preko iphone-a 2,6 Mbps DL i 1,4 UP ...
Odgovor na temu

Vladanko Vladanovic

Član broj: 323
Poruke: 1011

ICQ: 6072593

+49 Profil

icon Re: "Vista is the most un-user friendly operating system"20.10.2007. u 22:53 - pre 202 meseci
Bahahah, XP SuSE a?
Hmmm , na VIP-u 3G preko iphone-a 2,6 Mbps DL i 1,4 UP ...
Odgovor na temu

Goran Dukić

Član broj: 1491
Poruke: 981


+8 Profil

icon Re: "Vista is the most un-user friendly operating system"20.10.2007. u 23:51 - pre 202 meseci
Bez obzira na xtrayaina (polu)šaljiva zadirkivanja, moje mišljenje je da Vista ima znatno lošiji usability od XP-a.

Tu, pre svega, mislim na potpuno nakaradno implementiran bezbednosni UAC koncept. Pitam se, o čemu su razmišljali (ako su uopšte razmišljali) zombiji iz Redmonda kad su pravili ovakvu glupost? Je l' možda problem u tome što je organizacija postala preglomazna, pa se važne informacije previše isfiltriraju dok dođu do devetog hijerarhijskog nivoa gde glavonje odlučuju o svemu (aka "gluvi telefoni")? Ko će to znati...

No, važno je da su oni napucali Aero! Uspeli su da impresioniraju tinejdžere, domaćice i geekove, ali se zato sad češu jer poslovni korisnici prelaze na novi operativni sistem znatno sporije nego što su predvideli.

Ukratko: previše šminke, premalo suštinskih poboljšanja i par katastrofalnih usability propusta. To je Windows Vista.
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